In fact, when veterinarians add pet dental services to their practice they find it improves overall patient care, client loyalty and increases revenue. But, these improvements don’t occur in a vacuum. Instead, they require different clinical and administrative routines ranging from patient procedures to equipment and dental examination record documentation. So, once your staff is trained and you are ready to inform clients about the service, take one more step. Make sure you have these pet dental supplies to ensure the visit and any subsequent procedures are handled effectively.

UAL Labels

Dental Examination

In addition to inspecting the pet’s teeth during an exam, veterinarians typically assess the animal's oral cavity and jaw, and survey for bleeding and inflammation. Plus, for first-time dental patients, it’s common to take x-rays. The results of this exam are then recorded on a dental examination record. Maintaining good dental charts to document changes is a great way to show the value of dental procedures.


UAL LabelsLike any examination, the findings may lead to you recommend additional procedures that might include tooth extraction, periodontal probing and more. But, even if the recommendation is only a teeth cleaning, it requires anesthetizing the pet during that procedure. And this often means premedication drugs including acepromazine, butorphanol, meperidine and oxymorphone. In addition, it’s common to use isoflurane and sevoflurane for general anesthesia. Using anesthesia labels to mark these drugs makes the process simpler and decreases the potential for error.

Post Procedure

Once the procedure has concluded, the pet may need pain medication or antibiotics. Using medication instruction labels can help guide proper dispensing. For example, medication instruction labels help veterinary staff dispense medications safely and accurately. They also assist pet owners by communicating proper storage and caregiving once the pet is at home. Plus, whether you fill your own prescriptions or use an outside pharmacy, prescription labels are another necessity.

UAL Labels

Board & Care

Because dental procedures require anesthesia, the patient will spend pre- and post-operative time in your practice. The details contained in patient records and on cage cards help guide proper care and ensure the patient recovers quickly.

United Ad Label

The increasing popularity of pet dental services impacts various areas of your practice. Don’t forget to maintain the appropriate supplies to help facilitate the clinical and administrative needs. United Ad Label provides dental examination labels, anesthesia labels, medication labels, cage cards and more that assist veterinary practices with pet dental procedures. Contact us to learn more.